Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 2

And there it is again... that blank box.

I am not sure how often I will be updating this blog.  As I said before, I am not sure what I plan to do with this.  I do know this much... I've put writing off for the last 2 hours that I have been awake.
I thought my morning white chocolate caramel latte would put me in the mood but maybe I still haven't had enough sleep or enough coffee.  A quick Keurig break should remedy this situation... be right back.

Aaaaand I'm back.  Still blank.  No wait let's start over.

I woke, grabbed my electronic cigarette and a cup of coffee and stepped outside onto my back patio with my Mac in hand to "gather my thoughts" and "clear my head".  I started off browsing Facebook and then looked around on to find a decent place to stay when I take the kids out of town for a concert next month.  Honestly though I was kind of half heartedly looking to no avail for some inspiration of what to write about today.  I gave up looked away from the computer and took in my surroundings.   What I really noticed was something that once had filled me full of pride but has me a bit disappointed now.

You see, I started a garden earlier this spring, partially as a new hobby, and  to save money eating healthier. It started out beautifully, and my family and I have already enjoyed a lot of it's fruit. We've eaten from it pretty much till we can't stand eating anymore.  Now, only being half way into June, it's overgrown.  Flowers have bloomed on my broccoli plants rendering it not as tasty.  My Lettuce (which I've used so far but just planted too much at once, is 3 ft tall.  My peas (waist of time) turned out to only yield about a cans worth of a crop. my strawberry plants which only gave me about about a pound of strawberries are brown and dying (note to self- topsy turvy will kill strawberries) .  Nothing has even come of my cauliflower except a tiny head on one.  These are all plant's I've never had any experience with before, and I've taken time every day  to take care of them all, but it looks that some of my garden has gotten out of hand.  Once again, as usual with anything new I do, I am in over my head it seems.

On the bright side though the crops I do have experience with are doing beautifully. I can hardly wait for the green beans, tomatoes, peppers, and onions to finish doing their thing!  Of course these are veggies that I actually will and do enjoy and use in cooking often.  I believe I will truly see the true "fruits of my labor" when they are ready to be harvested and I won't be quite as discouraged as I've become with the others that are beyond ready to pick.

I've decide today I am harvesting everything I can, I will plan on using some of it for supper in the

next day or two... perhaps cut the stems and pieces of broccoli and make a cheese soup with it, and freeze the rest.  I'll wash the lettuce and bag it up in hopes that it will get eaten in the next week or so. (if it's not too awfully bitter that is).  We'll have a small side of peas with supper tonight.  I can not stand to just admit defeat and throw any of it away until it's truly rotten. 

Who knew there would be a philosophical and psychological lesson for me to have learned in working my garden so far?  When I look at what it's become, and what needs to be done with it, I see Me.

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